Special Needs Respite Night

Special Needs Respite Night

Millers Creek Baptist Church is excited to host our first respite night for children with special intellectual, developmental, or medical needs and their siblings. The children will spend time doing fun activities and enjoying a light snack with experienced volunteers while parents and caregivers enjoy a few hours away. The next respite night will be held on Friday March 7th, 2025 from 6:00pm until 8:30pm. Space is limited, so please register as early as possible.

Respite Night Signup

Respite Night Date
Liability Release- I understand that as a result of participating in this event, my child and/or the participant in my care, will be involved in various activities in and around Millers Creek Baptist Church’s property. I agree to in no way hold Millers Creek Baptist Church, its employees, volunteers, or directors directly or indirectly responsible should an accident, injury, or death occur during or as a result of this event.(Required)
Photography Release* I also understand that I and my child and/or the participant in my care may be photographed or recorded in a video format. I give permission for those photographs and/or videos to be used for any lawful purpose including publicity/promotional illustration, advertising and Web content or other use authorized by Millers Creek Baptist Church.(Required)
Preferred Method Of Communication(Required)